
Jun 30, 2010

30 Days of Deepening Friendships - Day 30

Today was a mixed bag. Current dealings with various business entities all turned out to be disappointments, so I got out of the house for a movie and saw Eclipse. A year ago, I may have seen a movie once every month or two. These days I go at least once a week because if I refrain from eating/drinking, the tickets at the Movie Tavern are just $6 bucks and it has become my escape.  As I build a life intent on working from home, I find I need to intentionally get out of the house so I don't turn into some kind of recluse.   ;o) 

Well, in addition to an awesome 30DODF salon call to wrap up the month, when I returned from the movie I picked up my mail to find a gift from my dear friend Robyn (she lets me call her G-ma).  G-ma sent me a Movie Tavern gift card! She sent it 'just because' (because she's AWESOME).  We haven't met in person, yet she's learned about me through my posts and knows me. This is the same wonderful person who sent me a Zena Moon candle for my home office when I was laid off from my job in February.  A friend who pays attention to little comments to get to know you is a treasure.  I, of course feel horrible because my extent of paying attention was to think every time she posted something about living in SD, she was talking about South Dakota (she lives in San Diego). I was wondering why on days when Robyn would talk about earthquakes that I didn't see anything in the news about South Dakota having an earthquake. LOL!  Oh, my. I finally 'got it.'  And my intention is to be a friend who pays attention.

Anyway, thank you my dear friend - I'm so glad you're in my life and what an awesome thing to have happen on the final day of the Deepening Friendships project. 


 This has been an incredible month that has made me realize that this has been an amazing year in terms of the friendships that have been made.  I've barely scratched the surface in deepening friendships because it takes time to learn about and be there for a friend.  The more time I spend and the more interested I am in others, the more the friendships are deepened.  So this month was a springboard to getting to know several people better than I did when the month began, and the ending of the project is not an ending to my commitment to continue to reach out and be a friend.   This month also made me aware that through life's challenges, friends make everything so much more bearable and when I think life's burdens have me too depleted or busy to talk on the phone, I need to remember that I can't afford not to take that time to reach out.  Friends provide a fresh perspective, support and unconditional love.  I need that and can never allow myself to do without that again, nor isolate myself so that I'm not there for others. This month also made me realize that 30 days isn't enough time to touch on and deepen all the friendships that I would have liked.  There are a couple of friendships that I've neglected ... so this will be an ongoing effort.

Thank you to everyone who continues to show up for me through calls, emails, cards, BBQ invites, Facebook comments (and gifts!).  :)  I'm so very grateful and I promise to show up for you in whatever capacity I can.  If I've failed to show up for you when you needed me, I'm so sorry.  Please let me know so I can share my perspective or be a better friend. If I didn't interact with you this month, let's touch base in July and give each other the gift of an unhurried presence -- the gift of a deepened friendship. 

Jun 26, 2010

Doing a Happy Dance for the Ellen DeGeneres Show?

Okay, I guess I am feeling a little 'out of the box' today and submitted an idea to the Ellen DeGeneres Show.  I know, I know ... the show's producers probably receive hundreds, if not thousands of emails per day and the chances of the email being viewed, let alone selected are remote. But, you miss 100% of the shots that you do not take, so I'm thinking "what if...?"

Anyway, here's the idea that I put in front of the Ellen show:

This isn't necessarily a game but a segment or contest possibly. It's perfect for the Ellen show because this combines her love of dance, with comedy and the video of the day segment.  Lately, on Facebook, when I post good news, friends will say that they're doing a "Happy Dance" for me. I started wondering what a Happy Dance is supposed to look like.  Do you just look happy, and then dance? Do you cheer, jump, roll, bounce?  I figured the Happy Dance is as unique as those doing the dancing and think Ellen should have a "Show Us YOUR Happy Dance" segment where people can send or post videos with their Happy Dance.

Keep on Dancing (and stay happy)!

So, to my friends Stacy and Beatrice ... hang on to any videos taken at Homecoming this year.  You might be able to post / send them to the Ellen show.  ;o)

Jun 7, 2010

30 Days of Deepening Friendships - Day 7

Okay, why does everything happen in one day? I need to spread this out. Today I had an amazing, deep, engaging and personal conversation with Antonette Lewis Artiz. I so look forward to our next discussion! 

Then, the only high school friend that I've managed to stay in contact with, who lives in Durango CO, emailed me that she'll be in Denver for a conference the end of this month and wants to see me. I haven't seen her since 1993 when she had her first child (a daughter) shortly after my Lindsey's life had been taken.

Then, a recent friend emailed me a very appropriate email about endurance through the race that has been set for us. 

Then a former co-worker with a common interest in digital photography emailed me tonight about getting together for a day in the mountains in July. 

I seriously can't use being busy as an excuse to not connect with people. That has typically been my modus operandi and I'm learning that it doesn't matter how introverted or busy I think I am ... I need friends in my life. Even through the turmoil of divorce, betrayal and joblessness, friends still manage to help me feel blessed. They are a gift. Each unique and helping me in very different ways. Each are here to show me that they've been through hard times and can relate, or to make me laugh, or to inspire me, or to make sure that I don't allow myself to give up on life ... or on myself, to make sure my motives are pure as I work toward healing, to make sure I know that I'm not alone -- even if I try to retreat from life or hide away. Each serves such a vital purpose and I'm grateful. Once I shake off the stuff that has dragged me down and kept me focused on myself - I truly hope that I'm able to make a positive difference in their lives, as they have mine.