
Jul 30, 2010

Proverbs 19:8

Do you ever read a sentence or a verse that jumps off the page at you, grabs you by the collar, and says "pay attention -- there's a reason you landed on this page today?"

The below bible verse (Proverbs 19:8) has slightly different wording depending on the translation, but the meaning remains consistent.  The verse struck me today because wisdom is for our good and well-being, but wisdom can initially be painful.  I've experienced the world-shaking kind of changes that came once I prayed for wisdom, pulled my ostrich head out of the sand, looked around and saw the truth. Gaining wisdom truly opens our eyes to things that may initially be painful (there's a reason our eyes were closed to them in the first place), but the work (and thus healing) can't begin until wisdom is sought.  

This verse also hit me today because it talks about gaining wisdom and keeping understanding.  Every painful event in our lives has a lesson that must be learned or we're bound to repeat our part of what put us there. So there's a difference between obtaining and keeping something.  My hope and my goal is to not waste valuable time relearning the same lessons - a lesson gained should be a lesson remembered

He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers.

He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; He who keeps understanding will find good. 

He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that keepeth understanding shall find good.

Jul 25, 2010

31 Days of Experiencing New Things - Day 24

While I've been posting my new things on Facebook, when I feel I have more to say I think it's appropriate to use the space here in my personal blog to share what I'm experiencing.

I can come up with 3 new things today:

1.  I went to my friend Nicole's 30th birthday party.  It's new in the sense that while I love my friend and want to be there for her any way that I can, I'm not really comfortable in crowds like at parties, especially walking into one alone.  I go to movies alone all the time now, but social events / parties make me want to crawl out of my skin.  It's not all crowds because the Southlands concert was crowded, but you could break away and walk along the shops and still hear the music.  But, it's plain silly to not show up for a friend's party because of some mild discomfort and since my "One Word" this year is "Face," that means to stretch myself, jump in and face fears as well.  Typing this, I realize how ridiculous that might sound  -- face fears to go to a birthday party?  Okay, it's not a huge fear that will throw me into a panic attack if I know there will be familiar faces that I can talk to one at a time, but parties only come easy to me if I'm the one hosting the party.  Then I'm busy and occupied and more worried about making sure everyone else feels comfortable, fed and welcomed than I am about myself.

Being vulnerably authentic here, the other reason walking into a party these days is so uncomfortable for me is that I was 30 lbs. lighter the last time I saw the people I expected to see there; and the whole feeling of being seen isn't a comfortable one right now.  See my heart, see my light, see my skills, see my desire, see my determination, see my intelligence, see my love, but let me hide my physical body behind the phone or an email, okay?  :)  Because of these 31 Days Projects, I haven't let my discomfort stop me from getting out and experiencing things, but some venues are easier than others.

I turn 45 in three days and I look in the mirror to see someone who, through life's experiences (both tragedies and good times) has somehow allowed herself to become 65-70 lbs. overweight.  How I wish I was one of those people who didn't eat when they were stressed -- I'd be Twiggy by now.  Alas, no -- I'm apparently an emotional eater ... or I don't eat all day, then eat the wrong things.  However it came to be, through the loss of a daughter, quitting smoking, losing my dad, a marriage where we both loved to eat out a lot, a job loss and now a divorce, this is where I am physically.  In the past nine months, even if I walked and ate salads the pounds still crept up.  So I feel like people who see me must think that I eat all day when I don't.  I hear that stress produces cortisone/cortisole which contributes to weight, especially around the middle.  In August of 2009 I discovered and opened a Pandora's box that revealed my husband's lies and addictions.  A Pandora's box that once opened, exposed a tidal wave of lies, deceit, and betrayal.  Okay, so no one can argue that I've come through and am still currently in the middle of some stress.  I'm not unique in that -- everyone has a story -- everyone has stress.  But while I feel I am healing, moving forward and managing the stress fairly well, my body is handling it poorly.

So, to make a change I decided I had to shake things up and try something I hadn't tried before.  So, you've heard of a food diary?  I've decided to do a food photo journal. Before any food or drink goes in my mouth, I have to take a picture of it.  Not every bite, just the bowl of fruit or plate of dinner.  Then at the end of the day when I'm logging my progress I upload the photos to a private blog that will visually show me what I've consumed.  And if one beer turns into three, I'll have three pictures of beer.  If a handful of almonds becomes multiple trips, I'll see that too.  Today at Nicole's birthday BBQ, I broke out the camera and took a picture of my food.  If I'm going to do this, I have to do it wherever I'm eating. What will also be new is the idea of eating more often which seems counter intuitive to losing weight. But maybe I'll turn this metabolism around by eating a fiber bar or almonds or cheese stick (small things) every couple of hours.  If I ever show this body that I am the boss of it, that will be a new experience.

2.  Speaking of "Being Seen,"  I need to get out and network for my Virtual Assistance business.  So, though they don't meet until August 2nd, today I RSVP'd to the Colorado Christian Small Business Women's Mastermind Group.  I've never met with a Mastermind Group before, I hope this one has a good turn out. 

3.  On the way home from Nicole's (she only lives like a mile or two from me), I looked to the east to see a beautiful full moon and to the west to see another awesome sunset.  I decided to stop at the corner shopping center to get some pictures.  While taking snaps of the moon, something caught my peripheral vision to the right.  Was it an airplane? My eyes were failing me and I couldn't tell -- it was moving like a floating bicycle built for two.  An airborne contraption that people can peddle?  I had no idea what I was taking pictures of until I got home and saw them on my computer.  A big group of balloons that floated off into the sunset.  If I had a professional zoom lens, these could have been some really cool pictures.  

Jul 13, 2010

31 Days of Experiencing New Things - Day 13

About two months ago on May 14th I started looking for old classmates on Facebook.  I found someone who still lived in my hometown that was a possible match of a person I went to elementary school with and I reached out with a quick hello to see if he was the same person that I knew way back when. It didn't look like he was very active on Facebook, with 23 friends and no posts (just the typical set up stuff for people new to Facebook), so I wasn't sure if he'd see it or if I'd get a reply or if it was even the person I knew. I sent the quick hello and forgot about it. 

Today, I got the following message back through Facebook:  "Yep, thats me"

He's married with 2 daughters and was in the Army for 23 years after college (according to his info. tab).  I found myself wondering what happened to all those kids that I still remember from elementary school.  I've stayed in touch with one good high school buddy and really don't have the same curiosity about what happened to most of my other high school alumni, as I have for my elementary school chums. We were all so 'innocent' then, with so much life still ahead of us much possibility. We didn't have a clue who we'd marry, who we'd lose, who would hurt us, how we'd earn a living, what tragedies may fall upon us ... and I don't think we cared. "When's lunch?" and "when's recess" were about the extent of our worries. 

So I went digging for pictures and I found 4th and 5th grades.  To get communication (albeit, brief) from someone I haven't seen for 34 years is an incredibly new experience.  And I haven't pulled out these photos in such a very long time.  Yet, as bad as I am with names, I can look at most of these classmates and name every one of them.  I must have been paying more attention back then ... or somethin'.  I didn't tell this person that I actually still have in an old coin purse somewhere the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Lion token that he gave me 35 years ago.  Today, I got my new experience by revisiting the old.

Jul 12, 2010

31 Days of Experiencing New Things - Day 12

You know how the grocery store often has a recipe card tree usually in their produce department?  Usually I just see recipes for banana smoothies near the bananas or banana flavoring, but while shopping yesterday I came across a display rack full of cards for great recipes and today I made a new salad.  I don't think I've ever made a salad that included a pear before, but this was a pear/cranberry salad.  I added my own touch by throwing in some avocado and unsalted sunflower seeds.  It was soooo yummy!  While describing the salad to my daughter and mentioning that you wouldn't think the avocado and pear would go together, she mentioned that a favorite dish at a restaurant in Phoenix is hamburger with peanut butter.  Now there would be another new taste experience.  Apparently it's really good!

Then tonight, my daughter and I called each other on Skype so she could watch me open my birthday present early.  It had to be early because she's sending me and my friend, Jennifer, to Canvas and Cocktails this weekend!  I'm so excited.  I've wanted to go there ever since I saw a great report about it on the news.  Here's a picture of what we'll be painting while sipping on wine.

Fun, fun, fun!!