The writer in me sees the New Year as a chapter in a book with blank pages for me to write my own story.
The nature lover in me sees the New Year as an expansive field with seedlings ready to emerge in exuberant joy, reaching for the light. A whole wilderness at the ready for seasonal cycles of warmth, storms and blooms.
The risk-taker and explorer in me thinks of the New Year as a pristine landscape covered by a fresh blanket of snow -- untrampled upon and full of promise. Unexplored beauty waiting for us to make our own paths, discovering and rediscovering ourselves along the way, and choosing each step wisely, so others who follow in our tracks will be assured of their footing.
And the photographer in me sees the year ahead as a camera fully loaded with fresh film or an unlimited GB Compact Flash card -- as I watch, be still, wait and be aware of those daily and once-in-a-lifetime moments that I capture to memory to revisit and remember in the years to come. Frame by frame, as an observer and participant, there is a lot to see and many memories to be made.
The hope that continues to reside in my heart, prays for opportunities to combine all facets of who I am in this New Year as I continue to grow, love and learn. The light that continues to reside in my heart prays for a year that will bring peace, healing and forgiveness. The desire that continues to dwell in my soul prays that I'll be surrounded by people who will be gentle with my heart, worthy of my trust, and who will bring with them an abundant supply of compassion and laughter. The faith that is still a part of my spirit prays for the ability to keep my heart open, to love again, to give, trust and receive. Wishing us all an abundance of love, laughter, God's presence, business success, and all that makes us smile, all that prompts us to give back in this precious New Year.
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