The excitement of trying new things.
I won't say that I can't cook, because when I do take the time I can make some pretty tasty things. I just don't cook. Plug in one of a zillion reasons, primarily having to do with life in general and not having enough time, and I've used it. Cooking takes planning and by the time I realize I'm hungry, I go for convenience.
But holidays and special occasions are different. They give me the opportunity to play in the kitchen, which can be entertaining. My husband mentioned that carrot cake was his favorite, so last year for his birthday, I waited for him to go to sleep while I stayed up and peeled carrots and made my very first carrot cake. It turned out pretty good and I loved learning/doing something new.
For Thanksgiving tomorrow, I'll be busy in the kitchen tonight trying a couple of new things; a pumpkin toffee cheesecake and a pretzel Jell-O salad. I've never made a cheesecake before, but I can follow directions.

"New things" isn't limited to cooking. There are states (and countries) I haven't explored yet. From Peru to Oregon or Maine -- there are places near and far I want to see.
There are photography workshop tours with professional photographers where you camp out under the stars and get perfect sunrise photos among cacti and mesas.
There are wildlife parks like the one a friend frequents that get you up close and personal with bears and other wildlife.
There is the Aurora Borialis and other natural wonders that I haven't seen with my own eyes yet.
There's interior design classes, painting, pottery, haunted house tours, scuba diving, planting the perfect garden, learning about flowers, going bird watching... all kinds of things I have yet to do, learn or try. There is more to do than I have time for in this lifetime. That's a good thing. I'll never be bored, and there are always ways to keep stretching myself beyond my comfort zone. Even if it's simply a new recipe, it's energizing and stimulating to try something new.
Maybe it wasn't so much a revelation that I had today, but rather a gentle insight or affirmation that is prodding me in the direction that I instinctively was already headed. Today's news brought another human interest story about a couple of local fellas that lost their jobs which led them to fulfilling their dream of starting their own company. I have seen/heard more and more of these stories over the past few months and it is igniting in me the realization that I need to launch my VA business soon. Even if part time, all of these budding entrepreneurs are going to need help from someone who is authentic and who is looking out for their best interests. Solopreneurs are sprouting up all over the place and I'm excited to hear their stories on a daily basis. I'm thankful that they've made the most out of losing their jobs and are plowing ahead with something that is all about them and what they want to do. And I'm thankful how something like a recession can actually create opportunities. It's affirming to see opportunities popping up all around me.

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