I was at first, hesitant to get involved because of this uncertain and changing period in my life. My life's garden is being tilled and cultivated, and right now looks pretty barren. Then I was reminded of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which says "Be thankful in all circumstances ..." It doesn't say that I have to be thankful FOR some recent events, but I do need to be thankful while IN them. In ALL of them. The good thing about a tilled garden is that it's free of weeds, a fresh start, a new canvass. New seeds will be planted, seeds that I get to select myself. And with the right attitude of gratitude, those seeds will produce fruit. I was concerned that, in my current "poor me" state of mind, that I wouldn't make it past Day 5 when trying to think of things to be thankful for.
That's what focusing on self can do -- make one oblivious to the wonderful things that we take for granted on a daily basis. We can become blind to the beauty of life and what each day offers. That realization, combined with the above bible verse, challenged me to get involved in "30 Days of Thanks." I don't want to be blind to the good things that I've been blessed with, and I do want do step out of my self-absorption long enough to see the seeds bloom, the fruit appear, the blessings be poured out, and use this month of November to see my life with new eyes. Some thankful moments may be quick and simple, while others are deep or complex. But they are all meaningful. Each day brings something new or a memory of something to be thankful for. We should never run out of material that stirs us to say 'thank you'.
To find out more and play along, too, visit the 30 Days of Thanks blog.
Today I am thankful for:
Day 1: The bible
Day 2: Kali kitty showing up in my life at just the right time.
Day 3: Friends/family who are helping pull me through a very difficult time.
Day 4: My daughter, Nikki is coming to visit for Thanksgiving and she started a FT job today. Oh, and this week is Sesame Street's 40th Anniversary!
More tomorrow!
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