
Nov 8, 2009

30 Days of Thanks - Day 8

Today I am thankful for ...

Learning and tinkering:

- I figured out how to replace my blogger template with this new template page that I like so much more! This look reflects my style more than the cookie-cutter option that I was originally using. If you are reading this feed in Facebook, come see my actual blog at

- I also figured out how to add the "30 Days of Thanks" logo to my blog sidebar. That was a first!

- I also figured out how to fix the date/time stamp tabs on the left that were showing up as "undefined."  Yah!

- And...if you scroll to the bottom of my blog, there is a photo stream of pictures from my Flickr page that I figured out how to insert. Whoot!

Special meaning behind simple things:

 - I made sure to include a couple of lotus blossom flowers in the Flickr photo stream because of what Stacy Brice once told me . I don't mind sharing that she said, once I trust someone, I open up like a lotus blossom. Those have become the type of words that I can wrap around myself like a warm blanket on a cold night. My quest is for people worthy of my trust. Once they find me, they will have acquired an admirable, solid, caring and loyal partner or friend.

- I also noticed that both of my business logos have butterflies in them. Scenic Sentiments ( and Here2Assist (website coming soon!) both incorporate butterflies. I think there's more significance here than I like butterflies. There's a transformation process and struggle in the cocoon before the butterfly emerges, and once that happens, butterflies are free. There's a beauty, gentleness and connectedness about them. There's definitely a strength about them, as they undergo the transformation process from caterpillar to the amazingly graceful winged creature that soon emerges.

In the Christian religion, the metamorphosis a butterfly undergoes is symbolic of the spiritual evolution all Christians go through. In ancient mythology, the butterfly stands for wisdom and everlasting knowledge. And in many other cultures, the butterfly seems to be identified with the human soul. I think the butterfly relates to Scenic Sentiments because it's about nature photography, which is a natural tie-in. As for the butterfly with Here2Assist, I think it subtly portrays that I will help your business go from crawling along to taking flight. :)

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