Yesterday was more of an emotional clearning than it was a physical clearning. Emotional clearnings are, quite frankly, exhausting! So, today will be simple.
I used to have two full catch-all baskets in the kitchen by the phone. But when I did my pencil drawer clearning project, I took one of those baskets and its two plastic inserts to organize the pencil drawer contents. What was in the first catch-all basket got dumped into the second. Today I clearned the remaining catch-all basket that was quite the distraction to an otherwise clean kitchen.
Oh no... are those MORE pens?
What I kept:
- A "hook" who's use is a mystery to me. I'm keeping it until I can figure out if I should let it go.
- A battery charger
- 3 charging cords (though a believe one of them is for a phone I no longer use)
- 1 video camera battery
- Blue Tooth accessories
- 3 LR44 button cells
- A timer
- 1 pair of sunglasses
- Glasses case
- Loose change
- Cat nip for my cat's scratching pad
- Black Eyed Susan flower seeds
- A piece of paper with the fortune: "Today will be pleasant, your life will be prosperous." Since I read the fortune before having four friends over and the day was extremely pleasant, I figured I would hold onto it in hopes that the second part of the fortune is to be just as accurate. ;)
- A travel size calorie counter
- Paper clips
- A rubber band
- Altoids
- A magnetic bookmark
- A nail file
- All the pens but one. One of the pens was my dad's, who worked for Coors before retiring. The pen has the Coors emblem. Thank goodness, it worked because I probably would have held onto it anyway!
What I let go of:
- A cell phone carrier. I bought this as a Valentine's gift for my daughter a few years ago. She admitted that it wasn't her style or didn't have use for it, so I thought I would use it. I never have. That's too bad, too, because I love the look and when you open it, it holds cards/license, has a pocket and a mirror.
- Sunglasses
- Receipts
- 2 pedometers (they weren't accurate or need batteries, I have another from Jenny Craig that works)
- A piece of plastic that I think broke off of a refrigerator shelf
- A wrist heart monitor instructions
- A sensor that used to clip on dog collars and automatically opened the dog door when they were near
- A black rubber thing (photo below: if you have any idea what it's for please let me know)
- 2 bottle stoppers that came from oil diffusers
- A book of travel discount vouchers that aren't valid since we 'woke up' and cancelled the membership that we got roped into.
- A lens cloth
- A catering pamphlet
- A Bed, Bath and Beyond Brita Water filter mail-in rebate that expired 12/31/07.
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